IES Master

IES  Master

Almost all the technical subjects will be handled by Kanchan sir who himself is such an inspiration for everyone and from the day one he will be explaining you the methodology to be adopted, the sequence you should follow and also to the importance of individual subjects. He will be answering all your queries ( how much ever simple it might be ) he will never show any sign of disgust on your queries. You can approach him anytime (anytime I mean soon after the class of your batch since he will be n class for nearly 13 hrs a day !) and get an advice on anything. 
Study material provided is flooded with enormous obj and conventional questions which s more than sufficient for initial days of study and also its contents are well designed and concepts are explained in a very easy language. After completion of every subject ( from the first to last) test will be conducted (containing both objective and conventional ) which is extremely helpful to know your hold and understanding of the particular subject so that you can accordingly assign your time.

Study Material

Our institute was established with one vision in mind - to provide students with a quality education by committing ourselves to aspiring students in every manner possible. This is why we provide all study material ourselves, including comprehensive workbooks and question banks that cover all possible questions. We also guide students via interviews and numerous test series. Our Conventional Questions Practice Program for ES Exams ensures that it builds their problem-solving ability by exposing.
True to the likings of engineering students, here, information comes crisp, compact and exact, accompanied by myriads of illustrations that one's eyes can feast upon, and brain to exercise and hone its capabilities. We believe that illustrations speak louder than words, and figurines communicate faster than complex wordy pages. As your eyeballs roll through the app, concepts on all topics – from Material Science to Currents, right from the ESE and GATE toppers - shall come alive before you. In the swarm of devices based on touch-based, smart technology, IES Master App literally manifests its belief that a right ‘touch' can change one's world.


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